Worldwide Futures Exchange Project (WFX)
For future domicile and incorporation in the Canton of Appenzell Innerrhoden, Switzerland
With WFX intent on seeking its platform location at the Rechenzentrum Ostschweiz AG tier IV data center in Gais, Switzerland.
"Global Creative Economic Revolution bringing the future to the present"
WFX intends to seek first stage funding of 5MM CHF from accredited institutional investors only.
Copyright February 17, 2025,, +1-609-954-5040.​
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by Richard Griffiths Smith Jr

Project Overview
One Worldwide Financial Exchange for all Countries on one platform.
Transparent Regulated Exchange in Switzerland - Not an Unregulated Crypto Exchange
XXXXXXXXX Spot Futures Exchange with a Common Digital Currency P&L
Global Financial Unity with Common Denominator Trading
Self-Clearing - No Clearing House and Intermediary Brokers are not necessary.
To be open 24/7 365 days a year.
All of the large futures exchanges in the World none of which are decentralized.
Introduce WFX
Through a WFX Trading Game Subscription
Initial Value
At least 500MM CHF at opening based on the sale history of small creative exchanges to larger exchanges.
Be as large as any major exchange within 7 years of opening.
Fee per contract traded.
WFX Short Pitch
WFX will be a global decentralized self-clearing spot futures exchange on one centralized Swiss platform, serving all the countries of the world. Through the proprietary SmithMatrix trading methodology WFX will strive for a comprehensive global common denominator standardization of futures trading with a common digital currency P&L across all currency contracts, commodity contracts, crypto currency contracts, and approved stock contracts. The currencies, commodities, crypto, and approved stocks will be able to be priced in terms of any other currency, commodity, crypto or approved stock. WFX technology will include, but not be limited to, DLT/AI, blockchain/Dfinity computer, edge computing, and the open-source Exchange Core matching engine . The WFX Project can be likened to a driverless car. There will be no live trading outreach to other countries via the cloud/internet or by any other means. All trading and self-clearing will take place in real time only in Switzerland under Swiss financial regulations. Margin money will flow into Switzerland from the whole world and exchange trading profits will flow out to the whole world only from Switzerland. WFX will increase global cross-currency trading on a regulated exchange and increase the depth and breadth of all current futures markets. There will be a special emphasis on markets and financial and commodity products for underdeveloped countries. WFX will also offer interest rate differential trading between as many countries as possible. A WFX Global Trading Game will precede the opening of the WFX Exchange to introduce TheSmithMatrix trading methodology to the world.
Expressions That Symbolize WFX
Independent Financial World
One Worldwide Financial Exchange
Decentralized Financial Exchange
Centralized Decentralized Global Exchange
Financial Exchange Ecosystem
WFX Metaverse
Global Financial Unity
Financial Digital Country in the Metaverse
Transparent Regulated Exchange
All Global Values on One Exchange
One Platform
Spot Commodity Prices
Spot Currency Prices
Spot Stock Prices
Major Ports of Destination (POD)
Point Of Sale (POS)
Futures Exchange
Spot Futures Exchange
Continuous Spot
Thousands of Virtual Trading Pits
Currency Futures
Direct Currency Conversion
Commodity Futures
Stock Futures
Digital Currency Futures
Crypto Currency Futures
Carbon Emissions Allowance Futures
Global Interest Rate Differentials
Interest Rate Spreads
Forward Spread Agreement
Infinite Vertical Price Continuum
Common Denominator
Trading Pattern
Copyright Protected
Currency Crosses
Cross Currency Spreads
Infinite Trading Combinations
Depth and Breadth of Trading
Digital Currency
Crypto Currency
Major Fiat Currencies
Independent Global Reserve Currency
WFXdigital Currency
SilverDollarCoin Digital Currency
GoldXXX Digital Currency
BitcoinXXXX Digital Currency
Infinite Notional Values
Infinite Pricing Combinations
Everything is Money
Price Anything in Terms of Anything Else
Real Time Pricing
Infinite Non-Fiat Money Supply
Revolutionary Global Barter System
High Frequency Traders
Commercial Hedgers
Currency Hedgers
Commodity Hedgers
Agricultural Hedgers
Stock Hedgers
Interest Rate Hedgers
Precise Hedging
Developing Economies
Developed Economies
Revolutionary Financial Technology
Exchange Core matching engine
Blockchain Wallet
Edge Computing
Multiple Currency Margin
Data Mining
The Butterfly Effect
WFX will demonstrate the "Butterfly Effect"
All Global Trading on One Exchange Platform
One Decentralized DLT/AI Platform
XXXXXXX Spot Commodity Trading
XXXXX Spot Currency and Crypto Trading.
XXXXXX Spot Approved Stock Trading
Interest Rate Differential Futures
Research Commodity, Currency, and Stock Index Contract Possibilities
Depth and Breadth of Trading due to Global Reach
One Digital Currency P&L - Digital Swiss Francs or WFXdigital
No Live Trading Outreach via Cloud/Internet
Key Pricing Features
Daily Mark-To-Market
Continuous Currency Feed
Major Ports of Destination (POD) Mark-To-Market
Point Of Sale (POS) Mark-To-Market
Exchange Offerings
XXXXX Spot Trading into the infinite future with no Carrying Cost
30,000 plus Virtual Trading Pits
Bypass USD as Intermediary Currency Converter
Direct Currency Conversion
Specialized Contracts
Global 3-month and 10-Year Interest Rate Differential Futures
4 Proprietary Digital Currencies
Carbon Emissions Allowance Futures
Proprietary Currency and Commodity Index Futures
Infinite Vertical Price Continuum
Common Denominator Futures Contracts for easy Pricing and Spreading and easy Cross Currency and Cross Commodity Trading.
Trading Methodology
Copyright Protected
Infinite Trading Combinations in 130 plus Currencies and 100 plus Commodities
Pricing Flexibility
Price Anything in terms of Anything Else
Real Time Pricing
Price Commodity Futures in terms of Any Currency
Revolutionary Global Barter System
WFX Digital Currencies
WFXdigital Currency - Potential Independent Global Reserve Currency - XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
BitcoinOneThousandth Digital Currency
SilverDollarCoin Digital Currency
Gold100 Digital Currency
Customer Profile
High Frequency Traders
Small and Large Speculators
Large and Small Commercial Hedgers
Large and Small Currency Hedgers
Agricultural Hedgers
Interest Rate Hedgers
Stock Hedgers
Countries with Reserves or Wealth Funds
Educational Institutions
Small Businesses in Developing Countries
Revolutionary Financial Technology
High-Speed Open Source Blockchain
Dfinity Internet Computer
Edge Computing
Open-Source Exchange Core Matching Engine
Common Digital Currency P&L for all Futures Contracts.
Pricing All Values in Any Currency
Multiple Currency Margin beyond that provided by the present-day Large Futures Exchanges.
Financial Flows
Margin Money will flow into WFX XXXXXX in Switzerland from the World
Exchange Trading Profits will flow out to the World from WFX XXXXXX.
Additional Offering
Introduce WFX and TheSmithMatrix through a WFX Global Trading Game which will employ the same trading methodology, futures contracts, and platform as the WFX Exchange.
WFX Benefits 1-3
OTC to Regulated Exchange
Transfer trillions in daily global currency trading from OTC to a regulated exchange via TheSmithMatrix.
Improved Pricing and Hedging
Provide more accurate pricing, hedges, and financial/product protection.
Increased Non- Fiat Money Supply
Allow standardized values to be priced in terms of any other standardized value, increasing non-fiat global money supply and country GNPs.
WFX Benefits 4-6
Direct Currency Conversion
Create direct currency conversion without using the USD as an expensive intermediary.
Developing Countries
Increase global access to, and increase the depth and breadth of, developing countries' financial markets.
Global Reserve Currency
Create an independent global reserve digital currency (WFXdigital) through TheSmithMatrix.
WFX Benefits 7-10
Cross-Border Trading
Dissolve cross-border trading challenges by revolutionizing global clearing.
Carbon Emissions Trading
Create carbon emissions allowance futures tradable in 130+ currencies or in one global digital currency.
Financial Data Mining
Enable comprehensive financial data mining for real-time global economic insights.
Global Barter System
Result in a revolutionary global barter system priced via TheSmithMatrix.
WFX Advantages over Present-Day Futures Exchanges
XXXXXXX Spot Currency and Commodity Futures with no Carrying Charge.
Very Small Base Futures Contracts to Enhance Creativity
No Membership or Entrance Fees
Very Flexible Trading Contract Sizes via Block Trading
Lower Contract Fees
All Size Futures Contracts trading on the same Pricing Continuum
"The Simpler the Better" Motto with Common Denominator Pricing and P&L
No Separate Jumbo/Standard/Mini Contracts
Everything is Money
Any Individual in the World of any Net Worth can hedge their Net Worth on an ongoing basis in terms of any Global Value .
Further Advantages and Futures Contract Specifications
8,000+ Cross-Currency Combinations
6,000+ Cross-Commodity Combinations
Unrealized P&L converted instantly to DCHF or WFXdigital at No Cost
DCHF or WFXdigital Common P&L convertible to any Currency for a Small Fee
XXX Units (kg/g/mg) Notional Contract Amount for Commodities with Infinite Combinations
Metric Weight as Common Denominator
XXXX Notional Base Currency Common Denominator Amount with Infinite Combinations
XXXXX Base Currency priced in terms of Counter-Currency
Trading Blocks of 10 or 50 or 100 or 1000 Contracts for a Small Contract Fee
Currency Conversion
WFX plans to partner with a large currency trading group for instant currency conversions at a reasonable cost. As WFX grows, platform traders are expected to fill conversion requests.
Real-Time Data Partnership
WFX is in discussions with the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) about providing daily real-time currency and commodity quotes for mark-to-market, settlement, and P&L calculation purposes.
Swiss Self-Regulation for Currency, Commodity, and Crypto Futures
FINMA Approval required for Interest Rate and Approved Stock Futures
WFX Project Summary
Development of a decentralized DLT/AI/digital currency based global continuous spot margin (.05 to 5%) futures exchange with three high-impact innovations:
Mechanization of Proprietary Global Pricing Methodology
Circumventing Clearing Houses, Brokers, and Banks
Common Digital Currency P&L with Potential for an Alternative Reserve Currency
Technology Configuration
Development Schedule/Milestones Beginning April 14, 2025
Month 1 WFX Tech Team begins development of the WFX Prototype and the WFX Trading Game and WFX starts drafting specifications for all WFX futures contracts.
Month 6 WFX begins drafting Self-Regulatory Applications and Application to the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) plus begins communicating with FINMA regarding the intent of WFX.
Month 9 WFX completes initial WFX Platform Prototype plus WFX Trading Game and begins internal Platform testing (3 months) and files for WFX Platform Patent.
Month 12 WFX begins organizing Marketing and 24-hour Customer Service for WFX, including the WFX Trading Game.
Month 13 WFX files Self-Regulation Applications plus files WFX FINMA Registration and submits WFX Platform to FINMA for testing and begins marketing the WFX Trading Game and the WFX Exchange.
Month 16 WFX releases WFX Trading Game.
Month 18 WFX opens for business under Self-Regulation for Currencies, Commodities, and Crypto.
Month 24 WFX receives FINMA approval for Interest Rate Differentials and Approved Stocks.
WFX Projected Budget
WFX revenue is fee based.
Founder - Richard Griffiths Smith Jr.
Visionary leader behind the Worldwide Futures Exchange Project (WFX)
Creative Thinker
Pioneering a global decentralized self-clearing continuous spot futures exchange with a common denominator trading methodology called TheSmithMatrix.
Industry Expert
The World's foremost developer of futures contracts.

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Smith will supply the 11 person WFX Team on demand to any Interested Investor - plus the Marketing Team and Customer Service Team and the Zurich Law firm that will represent the WFX Project.