WFX will be a global decentralized self-clearing spot futures exchange on one centralized Swiss platform, serving all the countries of the world. Through the proprietary SmithMatrix trading methodology WFX will strive for a comprehensive global common denominator standardization of futures trading with a common digital currency P&L across all currency contracts, commodity contracts, crypto currency contracts, and approved stock contracts. The currencies, commodities, crypto, and approved stocks will be able to be priced in terms of any other currency, commodity, crypto or approved stock. WFX technology will include, but not be limited to, DLT/AI, blockchain/Dfinity computer, edge computing, and the open-source Exchange Core matching engine . The WFX Project can be likened to a driverless car. There will be no live trading outreach to other countries via the cloud/internet or by any other means. All trading and self-clearing will take place in real time only in Switzerland under Swiss financial regulations. Margin money will flow into Switzerland from the whole world and exchange trading profits will flow out to the whole world only from Switzerland. WFX will increase global cross-currency trading on a regulated exchange and increase the depth and breadth of all current futures markets. There will be a special emphasis on markets and financial and commodity products for underdeveloped countries. WFX will also offer interest rate differential trading between as many countries as possible. A WFX Global Trading Game will precede the opening of the WFX Exchange to introduce TheSmithMatrix trading methodology to the world.